4-7 year olds

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Wynnum Table Tennis Club, 38 Curtis St, Manly QLD 4179

Start table tennis as early as 4 years old in 30 minute sessions designed to develop motor skills and learn the basics of the game in a fun and safe environment.

Main learning areas are:

- Motor skills (balance, basic movement)
- Ball control (rolling, bouncing)
- Table tennis strokes (Serve, forehand, backhand)

Sessions are held on Wednesdays from 4:00 until 4:30.
When the players are able to play basic strokes, they are encouraged to transition into the junior all-levels session (Fridays 17:00 - 18:30).

Full schedule of lessons available here

Full schedule of fees available here

Contact Franck at 0426 275 807 or coach@wynnumtabletennis.org.au for any additional information.


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